Pacific 231, H. 53

Born in France and based there, Swiss Arthur Honegger was one of the most famous composers of the 20th century, a member of Les Six (French Six). His works are characterised by a strict polyphonic development of musical themes and a strong rhythmic style. His symphonic music is dramatic, features expressive melodies.

The symphonic composition Pacific 231, composed in 1923, is one of Honegger’s best- known and most popular works. At the time it caused a real revolution – the composer gave his work the title of a steam locomotive model. “I have always loved locomotives passionately. For me they are living creatures and I love them as others love women or horses… I was not attempting to imitate the literal sounds of a steam locomotive, but rather tried to enjoy and recreate its fast movement,” said the composer. Honegger left the following description of the work in the score: “The quiet breathing of the machine at rest, its effort in starting, then the gathering speed, the progress from mood to mood, as a 300-ton train hurtles through the dark night, racing 120 miles an hour.”

Honegger’s dynamic and innovative symphonic movement is performed by the Lithuanian National Symphony Orchestra conducted by Vilmantas Kaliūnas.

PUBLISHED:  2024-04-27